Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jared Diamond

          Jared Diamond is a professor at University of California, Los Angeles and is also an author. He's elected a member of three of the leading National Scientific honorary societies. He's written a book called Guns, Germs, and Steel. His one book has won a Pulitzer Prize and Britain's 1998 Rhone- Poulenc Science Book Prize. Diamond made 22 expeditions to Papua, Guinea. He is environmentally active. He relates to this class because his books seem to be about society and how it succeeds or fails and the fates of society.

        Guns, Germs, and Steel was written in 1997 by Jared Diamond. It is a mutli-million selling book. This book talks about what has shaped human history over 10,000 years into what it is today. Its starts off with him talking to his friend Yali.  First part of the book discusses how some civilizations have developed and how some haven't over thousands of yearsIn this book Diamond says that geography and environment are the most important factors in shaping the world. A lot of scientist are against his theory and argue with this but, a lot of people praise his theory. Diamond mapped out migration of early humans from Africa to Eurasia and from the North and South Americans.

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