Monday, January 14, 2013

Class Participation Grade

          Well in class I don't really participate. I don't raise my hand to give answers or thoughts on whatever we're talking about but, I'm always interested in the class. I try my best in the class. I really enjoy this class I think its one of the most interesting classes that I'm taking right now. But I know I could probably say more in this class.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


       Today in class we talked about the lockdown procedure for tomorrow. When it happens we are going to be in human geo so we just went over what to do. Then we started talking about school shootings and everything and we talked the entire class about it. People gave their opinions on what they think about it and some people came up with some ideas. Someone said the teachers should be able to carry guns but i dont think that would really be necessary and im not sure i would feel any safer knowing that each teacher in the school had a gun. Its better to know that there currently arent any guns in school rather than knowing theres about 20. You never know whose hands their gun could fall in and its just not a good idea. It was a scary yet interesting topic to talk about.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jared Diamond

          Jared Diamond is a professor at University of California, Los Angeles and is also an author. He's elected a member of three of the leading National Scientific honorary societies. He's written a book called Guns, Germs, and Steel. His one book has won a Pulitzer Prize and Britain's 1998 Rhone- Poulenc Science Book Prize. Diamond made 22 expeditions to Papua, Guinea. He is environmentally active. He relates to this class because his books seem to be about society and how it succeeds or fails and the fates of society.

        Guns, Germs, and Steel was written in 1997 by Jared Diamond. It is a mutli-million selling book. This book talks about what has shaped human history over 10,000 years into what it is today. Its starts off with him talking to his friend Yali.  First part of the book discusses how some civilizations have developed and how some haven't over thousands of yearsIn this book Diamond says that geography and environment are the most important factors in shaping the world. A lot of scientist are against his theory and argue with this but, a lot of people praise his theory. Diamond mapped out migration of early humans from Africa to Eurasia and from the North and South Americans.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


       Today we finished part three of the movie. This part was mostly about the manufacturing of cars in China. China didn't have highways until about 20 years ago. I think they recently just started driving cars so that's why.The US gets all their cars from China. They are all manufactured there. Last year there was more than a million cars sold last year.

Monday, December 3, 2012


             Today in class we finished part 1 of the movie we're watching and we skipped part 2 so now we're watching part 3. I think its a really interesting movie. In part 3 it talked about how cars are kind of new to China. People used to just ride bikes everyone. So, a lot of older people don't know how to drive cars and are just learning how to drive at age 40. Even though there are less cars in China then there are in America there is more accidents in China. We also saw how one man who has a very good job and it takes a lot of skill gets paid $14 a day on a 77 hour work week. He gets payed better than most people in China but its crazy because his job is so much more advanced then most people but he makes pretty good money for being in China.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Today we finished the movie we started yesterday. Its a pretty interesting movie. It talked about how in China they only make $4.00 a day and usually its hard labor work. The women only make about $2-3 per day. A company in American opened up another company in China and 480 people lost their jobs in America because the Chinese were taking their jobs for this company. Its interesting to see how things like this can affect both of us even though we're competly different countries.

Monday, November 26, 2012


       Today I took my test i needed to make up from last Monday. It was an open blog test so it was pretty easy i think i did well. After that Mr. Schick told us we were going to have a speaker tomorrow named Gerry Sandusky and hes going to talk about how tough it is on him and his famliy with him having the same name as Jerry Sandusky, who is one of America's most known pedophile. His family and him gets a lot of hate and death threats also because people mistake him for the other Jerry Sandusky. Then we started watching a movie that seemed like it was going to be about how the different countries all support each other in a certain way but, we ran out of time so we only got about 5 minutes into the movie.