Thursday, December 6, 2012


       Today we finished part three of the movie. This part was mostly about the manufacturing of cars in China. China didn't have highways until about 20 years ago. I think they recently just started driving cars so that's why.The US gets all their cars from China. They are all manufactured there. Last year there was more than a million cars sold last year.

Monday, December 3, 2012


             Today in class we finished part 1 of the movie we're watching and we skipped part 2 so now we're watching part 3. I think its a really interesting movie. In part 3 it talked about how cars are kind of new to China. People used to just ride bikes everyone. So, a lot of older people don't know how to drive cars and are just learning how to drive at age 40. Even though there are less cars in China then there are in America there is more accidents in China. We also saw how one man who has a very good job and it takes a lot of skill gets paid $14 a day on a 77 hour work week. He gets payed better than most people in China but its crazy because his job is so much more advanced then most people but he makes pretty good money for being in China.