Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Today we finished the movie we started yesterday. Its a pretty interesting movie. It talked about how in China they only make $4.00 a day and usually its hard labor work. The women only make about $2-3 per day. A company in American opened up another company in China and 480 people lost their jobs in America because the Chinese were taking their jobs for this company. Its interesting to see how things like this can affect both of us even though we're competly different countries.

Monday, November 26, 2012


       Today I took my test i needed to make up from last Monday. It was an open blog test so it was pretty easy i think i did well. After that Mr. Schick told us we were going to have a speaker tomorrow named Gerry Sandusky and hes going to talk about how tough it is on him and his famliy with him having the same name as Jerry Sandusky, who is one of America's most known pedophile. His family and him gets a lot of hate and death threats also because people mistake him for the other Jerry Sandusky. Then we started watching a movie that seemed like it was going to be about how the different countries all support each other in a certain way but, we ran out of time so we only got about 5 minutes into the movie.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


My partners were Parker Day and Austin Smith 

Mexico gained independence on September 16th, 1810. Mexico's history before they became independent was they had a war called the Mexican War of Independence which was fought between  Mexico and the Spanish. 

Saudi Arabia gained independence on September 23rd 1932. Saudi Arabia was founded by  Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz. This country is leading in oil exports. 

The United Kingdom gained independence on April 12, 1927. The 
United Kingdom controlled other countries and didn't really have anyone controlling them. 

Venezuela gained independence on July 5th 1811. Venezuela emerged from the collapse of Gran Columbia in 1830. 

4 countries of the uk 
northern ireland 
great britian 

Monday, November 12, 2012


           Today in class we got our tests back from last week and i didn't do too well .We went over the tests and the answers and then mr schick told us hes going to be giving us an assignment soon that has to do with the countries and their leaders and how they benefit the united states.

Friday, November 9, 2012


          Today in class we had a quiz on the leaders again. We got to use our blog and I think I got the first part of the test all right but, not the back. I didn't have any of that on my blog. 

Monday, November 5, 2012


Enrique Peña Nieto

  • member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party
  • governor of the state of mexico 

Hu jinato 

  • He is head of the party, state, and military. 
  • China has the worlds largest army and is the most populated country in the world
Pranab Kumar Mukherjee
  • Mukherjee is a member of the Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund of the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the African Development Bank
  • He played an important role in directing the Cabinet pre Lok Sabha elections when the Prime Minister underwent by-pass surgery by taking further charge as chairman of the Cabinet Committee of Political Affairs and Union Minister in Finance Ministry despite already being the Union Minister of External Affairs.
Hamid Karazi 
  •  the country has actually plummeted back into horrific warfare, the Taliban has had a massive resurgence, there has been rampant corruption and misallocation of government resources, and Afghanistan has become the largest producer/exporter of heroin
  •  Hamid is regularly referred to as “the Mayor of Kabul” in reference to the fact that his true power goes no further than the streets of the capital
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 
  • . His salary as a lecturer at a university is only worth U.S. $ 250.
  •  He attempted to build his own patronage system and source of financing, separate from the intelligence network loyal to Mr. Khamenei, to elect candidates in the 2012 parliamentary elections and, most important, in the 2013 presidential race.
Benjamin Netanyhau
  • has a close tie with Obama and the united states
  • led a commando assult into Syrian territory and achieved rank of captain 
 Angela Merkel
  • played a huge role in fincanical crisis 
  • leader of the conservatives in Germany
David Cameron
  • worked for conservative research department 
  • achieved first class honors degree
 François Hollande
  •  after he was inaugurated, Mr. Hollande flew to Berlin to meet with Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, signaling the importance the new French president places on the relationship between the two countries
  •  laid out a budget that would produce the biggest cut in the public deficit in 30 years while raising the top rate for the wealthiest taxpayers to 75 percent
Dilma Rousseff 
  • first women to hold office
  •  complete a number of hydroelectric dam projects in the Amazon River Basin
Hugo Chávez
  • founded the secretive revolutionary bolivarian movement-200
  • onated oil to poverty-stricken Americans in order that they be able to heat their homes
  • major player in the global ‘war on terrorism’
  • Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest oil exporter and primary player of OPEC

Thursday, November 1, 2012


           Today in class Mr. Schick wasn't there so we had a substitute. We got our tests back from last week and I did better than I thought I did. Our substitute went over the answers for the test with us then after we finished that we could work on our political leaders thing on our blog but, I already finished so I just did homework for the rest of class.