Sunday, October 28, 2012


Federal Representative Republic
President Enrique Peña Nieto

Communist State
President Hu Jintao 

Democratic Republic
President Pranab Kumar Mukherjee      

Islamic Republic 
President Hamid Karzai

 Islamic Republic
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 

Parliamentary system
                                        President Shimon Peres
                                        Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhau

federal republic
Chanceler Angela Merkel

United Kingdom 
Constitutional Monarchy 
Prime Minister David Cameron 

Semi-presidential system
President François Hollande

Democratic Republic 
President Dilma Vana Rousseff 

Federal Presidential Republic
President Hugo Chávez

Saudi Arabia 
Islamic Sate
King Abdullah 

Friday, October 19, 2012


1. How long ago did the vikings come? 1,000 years ago
2. What countries are one ethnic group? Korea and Japan
3. What is the second largest religion besides Christianity? Islam
4. How many Muslims are there? 1.6 - 1.7 billion
5. Which religion is neither monotheistic or polytheistic? Buddhism

Thursday, October 18, 2012


        Today in class we had a great conversation about stink bugs. It was actually really gross because I hate stink bugs like more than anything but, everyone was sharing their stink bug stories and it was pretty funny. After stink bug conversation we continued talking about the five major religions.We talked about how Muslims have to stop what they're doing five times a day and bow to the direction of the city Mecca from wherever they were. And then we talked about how Judaism is one of the oldest religions that's still around.  

Monday, October 15, 2012


       Today in class we finished taking notes on a power point. We talked about ethnic heritage and how the US and Switzerland peacefully merged ethnic groups but, places like Korea and Japan have only one ethnic group and you wouldn't find a very diverse group of people there. Then we went over our classwork from Friday about the five major religions which are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam and how Jesus didn't start Christianity when he was alive since he was Jewish and how Christianity didn't develop until after Jesus' death.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism are three major religions in the world. Christianity was founded in Palestine around 33 AD, Islam was founded in Saudi Arabia around 622 AD, Buddhism was founded in India in the 5th century, Hinduism was founded in India around 2000 BC, and Judaism was founded in Canaan also around 2000 BC. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all Monotheistic. There is only one religion that is polytheistic and that is Hinduism. Buddhism is neither because they have more than one god. Judaisms holy books are the Torah, Tankh, and Talmud; Christianity uses a bible; Islam has a Qur'an, Buddhism does not use a holy book; and Hinduism has a Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, and Epics. Judaism has 14,000,000 followers, Christianity has 2,100,000,000, Islam has 1,500,000,000, Buddhism has 350,000,000, and Hinduism has 1,000,000,000. Each religion has a central figure. Judaism's are Abraham, Isaac, ans Jacob; Christianity is Jesus Christ, Islam is Allah (God), Buddhism is the Buddha, and Hinduism has several gods. There is also a geographical concentration for each religion. Judaism are Israel and the United states; Christianity is mostly in the Western World, Islams are Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, Northern Africa, Western Africa, Eastern Africa, and Russia and China; Buddhism are Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Southeast Asia, China, Mongolia, Korea, and Japan; Hinduism are of Indian extraction but it is found throughout Asia and Indonesia.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


        Today there was only one power point left which was the Christopher Columbus group. After they finished Mr. Schick had a power point on what we're going to be learning now. We learned about how the language of a country brings them together and how its important. Like how Spanish brings the Hispanic people together because its how they communicate and get things done in their country. After we talked about language we started Ethnic Heritage but, we didn't get to finish because we ran out of time.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


            Today in class everyone presented their power points we had to do with our groups. They were about the Native Americans, Columbus, and the Vikings. My group presentation was on the Native Americans. I think we did a pretty good job presenting. When the other groups presented we had to take notes on their power points. The interesting thing about the Native Americans I think were that they arrived here using a land bridge from Russia. The Vikings only stayed in America for about 350 years. Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492 and he was trying to find India but, instead he found America.

Monday, October 8, 2012


       Today in class we got back our tests we took on God Grew Tired of Us. I did okay. I didn't fail so thats good. We have a new student named Michael who just came here from Nigeria. He seems really nice and im glad he joined our class.Then we started talking about Columbus Day. We got put into groups and each one of us had to research a topic. Im having trouble finding the answer to my question but im sure i can find one i just have to keep researching for it.

Friday, October 5, 2012


        Today in class we took a test on God Grew Tired of Us. Mr. Schick gave us about 15 minutes to look over our notes and ask any questions we had before we started the test. It was pretty busy. Some people told me that it was hard but, it wasn't that bad. We went over out answers and I think I got like 2 wrong but i also spelled some things wrong too. For the rest of class we just talked.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


         Today each person from the groups talked about which organization they found yesterday and which one we should do. Mr. Schick emailed John and he pays a lot for him to come to us so Mr. Schick thought we should scratch that idea but a lot of people in the class didn't. I think it would work if we could get 100% participation for people to bring in money but i doubt that we would get 100%. The organization I liked the most was the Toms one. Each time you buy a pair of Toms a free pair go to someone in need. I think we should look more into that one. But, if it would be possible to get John to come speak to us then that would probably be the neatest thing. Or even Skype with us maybe.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


    Today in class we worked on trying to find organizations that can help the people in Sudan. We worked in groups and in my group was Parker, Michael and Austin. Mr. Schick gave us a website to post the links of our organizations we found and everyone could write on the document. The one section got in trouble for editing the sentences and stuff but Mr. Schick trusted us. But then he had to close the document because a few people kept editing it. It was a pretty fun class with my group.

Monday, October 1, 2012


     Today we finished God Grew Tired of Us. I really liked that movie. It was so inspiring. It didn't get boring once throughout the movie. At the end of the movie I was almost crying because John got reunited with his mother after 17 years. Panther found some of his family members too but, Daniel never found any of his. Either they were all killed or couldn't be relocated in the refugee camps. I think that's really depressing because Panther and John found their family members and got degrees and everything but Daniel didn't... Panther opened up a school in Sudan and John Bul opened up a medical center. I think we should all write letters to him and try to raise money for his foundation. It would also be really cool to have him contact us in some way like skype!